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Chinese Title: 沒 有 老 公 的 日 子

English Title: Tragic Commitment

Opening Date: Friday, June 16 1995

Closing Date: Wednesday, June 28 1995

Running Time: 100 min.

Genre: Drama

Catagory: II A

Co-starring: Anita Yuen 袁詠儀, Deannie Yip 葉德嫻

Chilam's Character: Alex (Main Actor in first part of the movie)

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Chi Lam and Anita act as a couple, married after 5 years, and deciding to start a family on their 5th anniversary. However, due to a freak accident during work, Alex died. On his deathbed, he confessed to Ah-Tong that he had a mistress called Blackie who's having his child. He told Ah-Tong to take care of Blackie and the child. Ah-Tong couldn't believe what she heard, and during the funeral service, she didn't even shed a tear. She went to look for Blackie after she knew how much her mother-in-law wanted a grandchild. Ah-Tong herself knew she couldn't have Alex's child anymore. Blackie was an ill-mannered girl who stayed with her also ill-mannered father. He neglected her and usually beat her too. Her best friend taught her how to 'extort' money from Ah-Tong's family..... She demanded a huge sum of money to help them to have a grandson. This story is about how the 2 women get along, and how their relationship slowly changed. Alex was actually drunk when he slept with Blackie who seduced him, but he was willing to be responsible towards her and the child. Blackie truly loved him and was extremely jealous of Ah-Tong coz she knew how much Alex loved his wife... (ML)

SPECIAL! - The only movie so far where Chilam and Anita act together as a couple, a married couple.

Review & Critics

Fan's Review

PI - Dying husband Alex asks his wife Hiu Tung to take care his pregnant concubine Chat. Chat turns out to be rebellious, but Tung and Alex's mother persevere. Standard melodrama with an unusually subdued performance (some might disagree and call it subtle) by both Anita and Deannie.

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This site was originally created on August 20, 1996

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