Chinese Title

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Chinese Title: 愛 情 AMOEBA

English Title: Love, Amoeba Style

Opening Date: Thursday, Feb. 27 1997

Closing Date: Tuesday, Mar. 11 1997

Running Time: 100 min.

Genre: Comedy

Catagory: II B

Co-starring: Shu Qi 舒淇, Andy Hui 許志安, Amanda Lee 李蕙敏, Karen Tong 湯寶如, Annie Wu 吳辰君

Chilam's Character: 毛恩東/阿東 (Main Actor)

Chilam's Songs:
笑中有淚 Smile With Tears
騷擾 Disturbed
愛在人在 (張智霖、梁詠琪合唱) Here With Love (Duet with Gigi Leung)

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About 3 guys and a girl staying together, and their relationship with each other & others. The 3 guys, Andy, Chilam & Eric, stayed with Amanda but always treated her as a guy.... Chilam's gf is Tang Baoru & she controls his money & everything, so his friends always tell him to ditch her. Andy's a flirt & has never been to bed with the same women twice. Amanda likes Andy & usually makes special breakfasts for him. However, Eric is interested in her....... The 4 decided to open a bar & because Tang Baoru refuses to give some gangsters protection money, their restaurant was destroyed overnight. Chilam decided to take care of all expenses of renovation, so he wanted to sell his car. There, he met Evita ( Wu Chenqun ) who was the cousin of the guy who bought the car.......... Shu Qi then came to work as a waitress in the bar & Andy immediately liked her, for once, Andy was serious about a girl. Then, Chilam met Evita again one day & found that they got along very well, had very common interests & that he started to like her a lil'. They went out to play in arcades & stole into a comic shop late at night to read some issues of " The Chinese hero " comic books. She also asked him to be her boyfriend... (ML)

Character Analysis: Clean shaven, decent, look at the pics below, that's what he wears in the show.

毛 恩 東 、 任 次 郎 、 Brad Pitt 三 人 青 梅 竹 馬 , 但 三 人 在 同 一 天 均 告 失 業 。 在 朋 友 的 鼓 勵 下 , 三 人 決 心 創 業 , 期 間 縱 有 問 題 , 都 一 一 克 服 , 小 酒 吧 終 能 營 業 。 其 後 出 現 了 日 本 留 學 回 來 的 少 女 Evita 及 到 處 流 浪 的 少 女 Boy , 使 毛 恩 東 及 Brad Pitt 暈 其 大 浪 。 三 對 年 青 男 女 在 愛 情 路 上 兜 兜 轉 , 究 竟 何 時 才 能 停 下 來 呢 ?

農 曆 新 年 後 不 久 , 東 、 郎 及 Jim 三 人 分 別 被 僱 主 解 僱 。 在 好 友 美 穿 針 引 線 下 , 三 人 合 作 開 酒 吧 , 一 嚐 做 老 闆 的 滋 味 。 之 後 , 東 夾 在 新 歡 Evita 及 舊 愛 Alice 之 間 , 苦 不 堪 言 ; Jim 愛 上 蘭 桂 坊 小 姐 Boy , 對 方 卻 只 視 他 為 一 夜 情 伴 侶 ; 一 直 暗 戀 Jim 的 美 不 忍 Jim 受 苦 , 不 禁 向 他 表 白 , 卻 被 拒 絕 ; 一 直 暗 戀 美 的 郎 又 向 美 表 白 , 卻 又 被 拒 絕 … … 四 人 的 友 情 、 愛 情 、 事 業 也 面 臨 考 驗 … …

評 語 : 青 春 無 限 好 囉 。

Review & Critics

Fan's Review

NEXT - Not long after Lunar New Year, Tung, Long and Jim are separately fired by their employers. Under their good friend May's guidance, the three collaborate and open a bar, getting a first taste of being a boss. Later, Tung is suffering in between new love Evita and former love Alice; Jim falls for Miss Lan Kwai Fong Boy, who only sees him as a partner in an one night stand; May who has always had a crush on Jim couldn't stand seeing Jim suffer and expresses her love to him, only to be rejected; Long who has always had a crush on May expresses his feeling to her but is also rejected ......the four's friendship, love, career also face challenges......

Love AmoebaPI - May Ching has three 'boyfriends' (roommates, actually). Tung is the career minded account executive with a business minded girlfriend. Long is the slacker chasing a blind date over the Internet. And 'Brad Pitt' is the playboy who never sleeps with the same woman twice. When all four friends find themselves suddenly out of a job, they decide to open up a bar. In the course of setting up the business, the three boys reexamine their romantic life. Well filmed, but the story lacked bite, and the acting wasn't anything to write home about. The climax of the film also seemed to come out of nowhere. Judging from the name of the production company (_Film 100 Percent Limited_), the film was probably quickly put together to capitalize on the success of _Feel 100%_. Like that film's sequel, this film could have probably benefitted from more development time. Title refers to a Swatch style that plays a part in the film.

MDN - Tung (Chi-Lam), May (Amanda), Brad Pitt (Andy), and Lung (Eric) are the best of friends. They lives under a roof for many years and still keep their friendships together. Tung is a nice guy who have steady job and a steady girlfriend, Allison (Karen). May is the only female in the house, but was never treated like a woman, which she doesn't mind. Ah May has been secrectly in love with Brad, but noones notice. Brad is a sort of like a playboy who's never want a long lasting love, they calls him Brad Pitt. Lung is also a nice guy like Tung, he's good to everyone and usually chat with a woman named Joyce (Angie) on the Internet. The story has a nice starting, May; Brad; and Lung kepts telling Tung to to dumped Allison because she was being way too bossy. Alway calls Tung every morning to check what's Tung is wearing and what's he eating. Tung didn't listen to his friends and still keep his relationship with Allison. But not for long, until he met Evita (Annie), the steadiness in Tung dropped and he becomes a kid again with Evita. Meanwhile, May suggest to open a bar, and they did. When May hired a waitress, Boy (Shu Kei), Brad was all over Boy, he even gives the watch "Love Amoeba" that May gave him on his birthday to Boy. Lung couldn't stand it anymore, he ask Brad to tell May the truth that he don't like May. It turns out to be a big mess that they had to close down the bar and everyone went on their own ways. As time goes by, everyone moves out name the none of them contact each other anymore. Until one day when Tung met Brad on the street, and they also met Lung. That was when they comes together again. A reunion dinner was serve. They way Brad treated May was as usual as before which makes May feel very comfortable. As for Tung, he broke up with Allison on the night that they has to closed down the bar. Allison went on with her life, while Tung is still running after Evita, and finally...

Movie Critics

骨 幹 紮 實 編 劇 見 功 夫 - 麥 耀 權
都 市 人 的 戀 愛 故 事 , 每 每 在 電 影 中 加 以 渲 染 , 以 致 流 失 真 實 感 , 然 而 若 不 誇 張 , 又 被 人 說 流 於 平 庸 , 缺 乏 高 潮 。

「 愛 情 AMOEBA」 明 顯 是 走 年 青 人 的 戀 愛 故 事 路 線 , 值 得 稱 讚 的 是 , 這 部 片 的 骨 幹 非 常 紮 實 , 而 且 言 之 有 物 , 既 能 剖 釋 時 下 男 女 的 感 情 問 題 , 又 捉 摸 得 到 潮 流 趨 向 , 算 是 近 期 青 春 片 中 的 代 表 作 。

對 比 起 「 百 分 百 感 覺 」 系 列 而 言 , 本 片 無 疑 優 勝 很 多 , 雖 然 主 要 場 景 不 多 , 卻 不 覺 沉 悶 , 對 白 不 流 於 粗 俗 , 而 且 有 的 頗 能 一 矢 中 的 , 倒 也 精 彩 。

故 事 中 的 男 女 感 情 , 錯 綜 複 雜 , 卻 能 有 條 不 紊 的 逐 一 解 開 , 更 加 證 明 編 劇 的 功 夫 沒 有 白 費 。

演 員 方 面 尚 算 稱 職 , 沒 有 誰 的 表 現 特 別 出 色 , 但 勝 在 每 人 都 恰 如 其 份 。

能 夠 在 廿 多 天 便 拍 攝 完 畢 , 而 不 覺 草 率 , 算 得 上 是 近 期 青 春 片 的 佳 作 , 相 信 喜 歡 此 類 片 的 朋 友 , 不 會 錯 過 吧 !

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This site was originally created on August 20, 1996

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