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Chinese Title: 飛 虎 雄 心 2 之 傲 氣 比 天 高

English Title: Best of The Best

Opening Date: Friday, Sept. 27 1996

Closing Date: Wednesday, Oct. 9 1996

Running Time: 103 min.

Genre: Action

Catagory: II B

Co-starring: Karen Mok 莫文蔚, Daniel Chan 陳曉東, Annie Wu 吳辰君

Chilam's Character: 何志霖/Coolman (Main Actor)

Chilam's Song: 曾經不知你好 Once Overlook Your Kindness

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About 2 brothers in the SDU training program. Chi Lam and Hiu Dong are brothers with the same father, different mother. Chi Lam hated Hiu Dong's mother for breaking up his family and causing the death of his mother. He was the only one from SDU, the rest are from different departments of the police force, while Hiu Dong was a traffic policeman. Their father (Liu Song Ren) is a senior officer in the police force. Chi Lam hated Hiu Dong and didn't want to be in the same team as him. He even fought with him during one of their training sessions. However, Hiu Dong doesn't know that Chi Lam was his brother, so he was left wondering why he was treated that way. Karen Mok plays their gunshooting trainer who's interested in Chi Lam. She often emailed him with another person's name but Chi Lam could guess that she's the one. After the fighting incident where Chi Lam hit Hiu Dong, he was made to stand in the rain the entire night. The two brothers somehow made up with each other. Later, on their last mission to stay in a deserted island for some days with their friend, Homedish. They came across some smuggled firearms belonging to some Vietnamese.... Homedish was killed by the Vietnamese and this also strengthened the relationship between the two brothers. The big test of brotherly love came when the SDU were told to rescue some hostages from the Vietnamese refugees threatening to bomb up the entire refugees camp... (ML)

Filming Accident*Filming Accident*: While filming a scene when the Vietnamese saw him looking through some smuggled weapons, Chilam's right eyebrows got burnt by an explosive. Because they haven't finished filming yet, he waited for the entire session to be over before going to the hospital, I think it was a 3 hour wait. In the end, he had 3 stiches for the wound. It was very close to the right eye.. Chilam said in an interview that fortunately it hit the eyebrow and NOT the eye.... if not, it'll be (quote:)" zao1 gao1 wan2 dan4" (end quote) already!!!! Below is a pic taken from the ending of the show... while showing the credits, they showed Chilam holding his eyebrow in pain just after the explosive hit him...

Review & Critics

Movie Critics

Teen idols Daniel Chan and Cheung Chi Lam prove their mettle as new recruits to an elite police special forces unit, called Best of Best (BOB). Debilitated by a traumatic experience, Tung Tung joins BOB, where his efforts to befriend his half-brother, Coolman, is met with frosty hostility. But beneath the oh-so-cool exterior is a lonely heart dying to plug in to an Internet romance.

NEXT - Tung Tung just graduated from the police academy, encountering a Vietnamnese assassin on his first day on work. Tung in order to break through obstacle in his mind decides to join SDU. Among the teammates, Coolman feels resentment toward Tung, which he doesn't understand. Later he discovers Coolman is actually his step brother. Tung actively tries to get close to Coolman, but is rejected. When training reaches its last stage, Coolman and Tung's team reencounters the Vietnamnese assassin on a deserted island.

飛 虎 隊 的 題 材 在 電 影 中 司 空 見 慣 , 此 片 另 闢 蹊 徑 , 因 為 故 事 的 主 角 是 飛 虎 隊 中 的 精 英 (Best of the Best) , 將 飛 虎 電 影 系 列 全 面 提 昇 。 張 智 霖 加 東 東 的 青 春 偶 像 組 合 , 一 剛 一 柔 , 極 具 瞄 頭 。

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This site was originally created on August 20, 1996

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